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Sopó Farmers​

Sopó Farmers is a Project that involves the selling, promotion, and distribution of organic food directly from the savannah. All this is achieved mainly through an online platform. This project was originally created keeping in mind the needs of the farmers who grow organic food in the town of Sopó, who found themselves quite frustrated due to the fact that they could not manage to find clients using traditional methods for selling; such as selling in open air squares or also, in local markets.


Andres: Ciao! Io sono Andrés, e tu come ti chiami?

Carolina: Piacere, Io mi chiamo Carolina, e tu di dove sei?

Andrés: Io sono Svizzero, di Berna, e tu?

Carolina: Io sono Giapponese, di Osaka.

Andrés: Quanti anni hai?

Carolina: lo ho ventun’ani, e tu?

Andres: Anch’io! Tu hai fratelli?

Carolina: Io ho un fratello e una sorella e tu?

Andrés: Io non ho fratelli, quanti anni avete tu fratello e tu sorella?

Carolina: Mio fratello ha diciotto anni e mia sorella ha ventidue anni.

Andrés: Ciao Carolina!

Carolina: Ciao Andrés!

To see more or discuss possible work let's talk >>

Sopó Farmers

Traducción epañol|inglés


​Traducción inglés| ​

Hello, I'm a professional in Modern languages from EAN Business School of Administration. I'm capable of transalating documents from and into several languages (English, French, Italian and German). Even though I'm very skilled when it comes down to translation, I would say that I have a  way more oriented profile fit to organizational communication. Thanks to the fact that my experience goes further than just translation assignments. Currently, I work by offering insight, my professional opinion and also advice to different companies and organizations (In matters of external and internal communication). These, being in working environments which are formed by multicultural employees and partners alike.

Traducción de mensajes (comunicación externa)

Hi, we really thank your attention to our query

As you required, I will tell you what we have on mind and what is our project about:

Hi, I am Jaime Mejia,chief engineer in mobility projects from Maintask LTD. and Im communicating with you because we are really interested in your traffic management solutions, thats why we want to know more about your products.

We are a consulting firm that is advising the Secretary of mobility of Bogota, (Colombia), in the design, construction and implementation of a pilot project for automatize the traffic data recolection , so if the pilot project works correctly the system will be implemented to a larger scale in the city.

Initially it is a pilot project for 2 junctions, 4 lanes in each direction.

Initially need devices capable of:
 -count vehicles
 -clasify: taxis, cars, trucks, buses, etc.. up to 17 categories
 -calculate average speed by stretch

 Be able to stream video
 Be able to Identify vehicle plate
 Retrieve the greatest amount of data possible with a single camera.
 That the system be able to sent the data via wireless to a server with this indicator system

We need to know the price of the solution that may fit our needs.

(camera, developer´s kit, processor and other necessary items).

Thanks in advance


Texto original 

en español

Soy profesional en lenguas modernas, con capacidades para la traducción de documentos a varios idiomas (inglés, frances, italiano y alemán). Poseo un perfil orientado a la comunicación organizacional, en tanto que mi experiencia profesional se extiende más allá de la traducción; pues represento y asesoro a varias empresas y organizaciones inmersas en entornos laborales multiculuturales, en los procesos de comunicación a nivel interno y externo. 
​Traducción italiano| ​

Salve! Io sono esperto in lingue moderne capace di tradurre documenti in diverse lingue, come l'inglese, il francese, l'italiano e il tedesco. Io ho un perfilo professionale orientato sulla comunicazione organizzativa, mentre la mia esperienza professionale si estende oltre traduzione.; perché rappresento e consigliato diverse aziende e organizzazioni immersi in ambienti di lavoro multiculuturali, nei processi di comunicazione interna ed esterna.

Traducción epañol|alemán

Traducción epañol|italiano

Traducción alemán| ​
Ich bin ein Experte in den modernen Sprachen, ich bin in der Lage Dokumente in mehrere Sprachen zu übersetzen (Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch und Deutsch). Ich habe eine kommunikationsorientierte Organisationsprofil , während meine Berufserfahrung jenseits Übersetzung erstreckt; weil ich vertrete und mehrere Unternehmen und Organisationen eingetaucht beraten in  multikulturell Arbeitsumgebungen in Kommunikationsprozesse intern und extern .
​Traducción francés| ​

Je suis un expert dans les langues modernes, avec la possibilité de traduire des documents en plusieurs langues (anglais, français, italien et allemand). J'ai un profil organisationnel orienté vers la communication, tandis que mon expérience professionnelle se prolonge au-delà de la traduction; parce que je représente et conseillé plusieurs entreprises et organismes immergés dans des environnements de travail multiculturel dans les processus de communication interne et externe.

Traducción epañol|francés

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